Tag Archives: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Beyond the Campaign and into Lifecycle Marketing


In the most recent ROI webinar, Beyond the Campaign: A Lifecycle Approach to Lead to Revenue Management, our founder and CEO Troy Burk along with guest speaker, Forrester Research, Inc. principal analyst, Lori Wizdo spoke on the importance of these three objectives for marketers everywhere: Drive results from lead-to-revenue investments Graduate from automated campaigns Adopt a […]

The difference between Marketing Automation and Lifecycle Marketing

I started this internship completely unaware of the difference between marketing automation and lifecycle marketing. Coming from a farm background, I really only have a rudimentary knowledge of marketing from classes I have taken in college and a summer internship in Indianapolis. A month in and wealth of information later, I am starting to understand […]

Gamification: Work and Play Do Mix


Gaming in the workplace and the learning space is a relatively new concept that is making gamification one of THE buzzwords of 2014. If people around the world are spending 3 billion hours a week playing video games, there must be a lure here that is worthy of checking into! Is gamification the latest fad […]

A Lifecycle Approach to Lead to Revenue Management

Many early adopters of marketing automation were able to drive great results at first, but have since “hit a wall.” Most of the initial gains from utilizing a marketing automation solution came from rooting out inefficiency and waste, and standardizing and scaling a previously manual or cumbersome process. The reality is, however, you can only pick […]

Introducing Progressive Profiling

In this newest sprint cycle, Right on Interactive is proud to introduce Progressive Profiling to its users. Progressive Profiling allows clients to efficiently gather more valuable data about their potential customers while simultaneously boosting form conversion rates. Form conversion rates relate to the frequency at which users open forms compared to the frequency at which […]

Reflections of a lifecycle marketing internship

When I started my lifecycle marketing internship at Right On Interactive in June, I had relatively little marketing experience and had a lot to learn about the company, its clients and the industry. Terms like “lifecycle marketing” and “3-D scoring” were completely new to me. However, in the past two months, a lot has changed. […]

Marketers: Focus on the Customer Lifecycle

Most marketers today are focused on generating new leads. It’s how they are evaluated and, in many cases, held accountable to the revenue goals of the organization. However, instead of concentrating on the top of the marketing funnel, marketers today should be focusing on the customer lifecycle and how engaged customers are with their brand. More […]

Forming Lasting Customer Relationships: Engagement is Timeless

  In the business world, forming lasting customer relationships is critical to success. Building a long-term relationship with a customer is far more profitable  than acquiring a new customer. Consider these stats: It costs 6-7 times as much to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. (Client Heartbeat) On average, loyal customers are […]

Marketing Content Strategy: The Lifecycle Journey

In lifecycle marketing, your content strategy should align with where your customer is on their lifecycle journey. A customer may be a great and engaged fit with your brand, but they could be anywhere on the lifecycle journey. By formatting your content to where a customer is on journey with your brand, you can increase their […]

Lead scoring has evolved, have you?

The way marketers use lead scoring to find ideal fit prospects has evolved over the years. For most marketers, lead scoring is based on the prospect’s profile attributes and how they match the organization’s ideal profile definition. The profile score provides insights into what an ideal lead looks like, so marketers can create campaigns for that audience. Profile score […]