Transform Your Digital Marketing with Social Mirror Ads

In today’s fast-paced digital world, keeping your brand front and center requires innovative strategies. Social Mirror ads offer a groundbreaking solution by mirroring your social media display or video posts and showcasing them on a multitude of websites and apps. These ads not only link back to the original social media platform and your website […]

Increase Sales Productivity: Article

Increase Sales Productivity

Looking to increase sales productivity this year? According to a CSO Insights Sales Compensation and Performance Management study, only 54.6 percent of sales professionals produce enough revenue to meet quota. That is shocking news. I’m sure your company doesn’t have that problem, but other readers may. They need to increase sales productivity. One key area […]

Customer Success Metrics: Onboarding Stage

Customer Success Metrics

Are you happy with your customer retention rate? Do you know what’s causing customer churn? Are you tracking the right customer success metrics for onboarding new clients? Are you able to trigger communications and tasks? In this article discover tips to improve the customer experience. Onboarding Customers Successfully onboarding new customers is arguably the most […]

Steps to Improve Email Click Through Rates

As I’ve discussed before, email deliverability is a huge focus of marketers across all industries. We all want our email marketing to reach the inboxes of our subscribers’ — both prospects and customers. If we can improve deliverability, we increase our odds of improving open and even click through rates (CTR). Here are a few […]

5 Ways to Warm up Cold Leads

warm up cold leads

As a marketer you’ve probably seen it before: The old vanishing act. A lead that showed promise gradually becomes unresponsive, and goes cold. Next thing you know, it’s disappeared. In this article, learn five ways to warm up cold leads. There are plenty of reasons why this might happen. If you put yourself in a […]

Smaller Campaigns: Big Marketing Results

Best Marketing Results Image

Marketing automation has opened up new vistas for small and medium-sized companies to achieve better marketing results. Before the rise of online business technology, radio and TV ads were costly, and were the exclusive domain of big brands. Getting your brand known nationwide was difficult – let alone across the globe. Today, the emphasis has […]

Customer Lifecycle Marketing Success

Customer Lifecycle Marketing Map

Is customer lifecycle marketing effective? Does it make good financial sense to pursue? In this article, discover the essential benefits of managing relationships throughout each stage of the customer lifecycle. Relationships are complicated, and each one of them is as unique as the people who are involved in them. When it comes to the relationships […]

How to Identify Quality Sales Leads

Identify Quality Sales Leads

Every experienced marketer knows that not all leads are worth following up on. Some potential customers are just “window shopping” and others simply aren’t a good match for our product. But do we know which ones are which? In this article, learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff to identify quality sales leads. […]