Tag Archives: Twitter

Transform Your Digital Marketing with Social Mirror Ads

In today’s fast-paced digital world, keeping your brand front and center requires innovative strategies. Social Mirror ads offer a groundbreaking solution by mirroring your social media display or video posts and showcasing them on a multitude of websites and apps. These ads not only link back to the original social media platform and your website […]

Social Media Marketing for Small Business

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and Pinterest – just six of the more popular social media marketing platforms people, as well as businesses, use. Social media is growing at such a rapid rate; Facebook has over one billion accounts! It’s estimated that around five-hundred million tweets are sent out per day and there are two […]

10 Tips for B2B Social Media Marketing

10 Tips for B2B Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media, consumer-facing businesses jumped in head first with profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on (yes, there are more). Meanwhile, business-to-business organizations, or B2B companies, held back and waited for a big brand to dip their toes in the water first. Gradually, businesses have created Facebook pages and […]

March Madness and Social Media: Part II

March Madness and Social Media: Part II

Welcome back! Yesterday in part one of this post, we walked through choosing the appropriate social media platforms and how to develop appropriate content dependent on your audience and goals. Today, we will focus on posting strategically as well as generating deeper engagement with your audience. Post strategically. Similar to your content strategy, the timing […]

March Madness and Social Media: Part I

Social Media Engagement

This week begins one of the most exciting times of the year for college basketball fans: the NCAA Tournament aka “March Madness.” Millions of crazed fans stop everything they are doing—literally—to watch 64 (or is it 68 now?) teams vie for a national title. The three-week period from the opening round to the Final Four […]

Three Keys to “Super Bowl” B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing

“B2B marketing and social media are so dumb. It is literally the most boring waste of time ever. I remember when I interned for Lids marketing, and their B2C marketing was so much more fun because you are actually allowed to have a personality and some fun.” When discussing our careers, this line came flowing out […]

The Importance of Social Listening

Social Listening

Social listening is defined as “the process of monitoring digital media channels to devise a strategy that will better influence consumers.” Companies deploy specific platforms with software that systematically searches keywords it finds in spaces such as blogs, social networks, and forums. With the growth of technology, social listening is easier for companies to implement, […]

The Surprising Side of Google+ for Business

Google+ for Business

As marketers, it’s our duty to have a social media presence. The company, various branches of the brand, the CEO, and often the communications team all need a platform to share timely and relevant updates with their audience. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have steadily remained the most popular platforms for B2B and B2C companies; however, […]

2015: The Year of Data Driven Marketing

I was recently catching up with some fellow marketers when someone brought up their biggest issue and concern was data. “I can’t get what I want from our IT team,” she lamented. “I know we’re collecting a ton of it but what good is it when it’s not easily accessible?” Soon, others were chiming in. “I […]

The Inherent Pitfalls in Social Media Data

social media sentiment

Many marketers are focusing their efforts on big data analytics. Big data entails the gathering and analysis of data from all possible sources, including social media data. Unlike other sources, data from social media can be tricky. While the basic premise of big data analytics is to gather as much valuable data as possible, including all social […]