A Lifecycle Approach to Lead to Revenue Management

Many early adopters of marketing automation were able to drive great results at first, but have since “hit a wall.” Most of the initial gains from utilizing a marketing automation solution came from rooting out inefficiency and waste, and standardizing and scaling a previously manual or cumbersome process. The reality is, however, you can only pick this low-hanging fruit once. After the first wave of success, most lead to revenue management (L2RM) initiatives stall and marketers find it increasingly harder to raise the bar on customer acquisition, retention and revenue, and to lower the bar on the investment necessary to drive those results.

The cold, hard truth facing many marketers today is marketing automation is an amazing tool to communicate with your audience, build loyalty and increase qualified leads, but unless it drives continuous engagement at every stage of the customer lifecycle, it is little more than a campaign management tool.

Consider these facts:

  • 85% of B2B marketers using marketing automation platforms in 2014 feel that they’re not using them to their full potential. (Source: SiriusDecisions)
  • Only 8% of organizations in a recent survey were using marketing automation to nurture their existing customers. (Source: SiriusDecisions)
  • 64% of CMOs have either an informal or no process to manage their marketing automation. (Source: The Annuitas Group)

Join Right On Interactive founder and CEO Troy Burk and guest speaker, Forrester Research, Inc. principal analyst Lori Wizdo on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 2:00 p.m. ET to learn how marketers can drive results from lead-to-revenue investments, graduate from automated campaigns and adopt a customer lifecycle marketing strategy.

Webinar Information

What: Beyond the Campaign: A Lifecycle Approach to Lead to Revenue Management
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Time: 2:00 p.m. ET

Register Now!