Category Archives: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

How to Customize and Personalize for the B2B Buyer

According to CMO Council, 54% of all consumers in the U.S. and Canada would consider ending their loyalty relationships if they were not given tailor-made, relevant content and offers. Providing personalized and customized services has always been a time-tested way to retain customers. In their heyday, mom and pop stores were able to not only […]

The Key Challenges of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is imperative in a sophisticated infrastructure, as it frees the marketer from being bogged down with routine tasks while improving accuracy. A recent study by B2B online: “Marketing Automation: Best Practices for the Management of B2B Digital Marketing Campaigns” reveals that 46% of marketers are already adopting marketing automation in some way, and […]

We are the ROI of marketing automation

Move over Big Data. Marketing automation is the new buzzword with marketers. “Marketing Automation: Best Practices for the Management of B2B Digital Marketing Campaigns” confirms the obvious when it discloses that 46% of all B2B marketers have already adopted marketing automation solutions in some form or another, and another 20% are actively evaluating marketing automation […]

Quantity versus quality leads

Marketers strive to get more and more leads. The underlying logic is since it is customers who provide revenue, and leads bring in customers, more leads would mean more customers and hence more revenues. However, more does not always mean better. The quality of the lead or the revenue a lead ultimately brings in matters […]

Lead Scoring 101

In today’s digital world, scoring prospects is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Lead scoring not only provides marketers with valuable information on who is visiting their website and interacting with their brand, but it can dramatically improve sales effectiveness. The premise behind lead scoring is simple: assign a ranking to potential new customers […]

Making Sense of Marketing Innovation Programs

Marketing success depends on having a coherent marketing strategy in place that leverages the key strengths of the company to engage with prospects effectively throughout their customer journey. However, in any increasingly competitive world, merely going through the marketing process is not enough. Marketers need to innovate or differentiate to reach out to their prospects […]

Right On Interactive a Trend Setter?

Recently, Right On Interactive was one of eight marketing automation vendors included in Info-Tech Research Group’s Vendor Landscape for Lead Management Automation. To be included in the report was an honor, but to actually earn an award as well is the icing on the cake! Not only was Right On categorized as an “Innovator” in the […]

Aligning Marketing Automation with Content Marketing Strategy

With big data analytics and “hyper-customization” becoming indispensable to generate leads and engage with prospects effectively, marketing automation has become an integral part of the marketing landscape. B2B estimates 46% of marketers have adopted some form of marketing automation, with 62% of them being strong adopters. By 2014, the tribe of strong adopters will grow substantially […]

Lifecycle Stage: The last piece of the 3D scoring equation

Recently, I introduced how Right On Interactive scores leads and customers in 3D. We’ve discussed the important roles both profile and engagement play in 3D scoring so now it’s only appropriate to dive into the last piece of the equation: lifecycle stage. It’s not enough to score leads and customers based upon their profile fit […]

Lead and customer scoring in 3D

There can be quite a difference between who your customers are, who you think they are and who you want them to be. Earlier this year, we discussed big data and its value to organizations – especially those who want to better understand their customer base. Big data also enables marketers to create a profile […]