
Attract, acquire and retain customers with a behavior-based solution that builds loyalty with continuous engagement at every stage of the customer journey.

Map Every Customer’s Journey

Customer engagement should be viewed as a journey—not just a campaign. That’s why ROI provides visibility into which customers are the best fit and most engaged at each stage of their journey, from prospect to raving fan. ROI’s Customer Lifecycle Marketing solution enables marketers to know exactly where a prospect or customer is in their relationship with a brand, and how best to approach them to maximize lifetime value.

Personalized Conversations on Any Channel

Your buyers want personalized content and expect it to be delivered through a preferred channel. With our Customer Lifecycle Marketing solution, marketers can now recognize and act on individual customer behaviors to create truly personalized experiences, on any channel, at each stage of their relationship with the brand.

Built-in Email Automation

With an easy-to-use email marketing solution built in to the ROI Customer Lifecycle Marketing platform, marketers can trigger relevant, personalized messages to increase new and repeat business. You’ll quickly create, automate and improve email communications with prospects and customers throughout the customer lifecycle. And that means deeper, more engaged relationships.

Custom Measurement

In the marketing world, results are the boss. Custom Right On Interactive reports quickly
analyze and graph key performance indicators across all relevant dimensions. You have the information in hand to compare performance across channels and make strategic decisions to optimize your marketing operations.

Capabilities of Right On Interactive

The Right On Interactive solution has a variety of capabilities, including:

Customer Lifecycle Marketing

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