Category Archives: Social Media

Need for an Integrated Marketing Approach

Email marketing is still at the heart of most marketing communication plans. In addition, most brands have gone social as the popularity of social media grows year over year, with customers increasingly using different social media channels daily. Not to mention, dekstops and laptops are giving way to mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. […]

How to Engage the Teenage Prospects of Colleges and Universities

Unlike most conventional marketing, directed towards a predominantly adult customer base, traditional colleges and universities aim to reach teenage prospects. Teens think differently and place different values on pricing, marketing and product selection, depending on the product or location. Therefore, marketers need to think differently, too, when engaging with younger audience. One valuable approach to reaching […]

Right On Interactive: Celebrating Seven Years

Today is Right On Interactive’s seventh birthday! We are very excited and have planned a wonderful party with our team to celebrate another milestone in the company’s history. The list of what’s changed in the past seven years is a long one – there’s the widespread adoption of measured marketing, driven by Adwords & Analytics; […]

How Big Data Helps Marketers Make Educated Decisions

All too often marketers rely on gut feelings or hunches to make a decision. From deciding on the best time to reach out to a new prospect, to product positioning, marketers rely heavily on instinct. But decisions based on gut feelings are, at best, educated guesses. Hunches lead to gambles that may or may not […]

Forrester Survey Highlights the Wrong Approaches Towards Content Marketing

The importance of content marketing can’t be understated. The right content plays a big role in accelerating prospects through the marketing lifecycle, especially when it’s relevant and delivered at the right time. However, Forrester’s Q4 2012 US and Europe B2B Marketing Tactics and Benchmarks Online Survey reveals that many B2B marketers still have a long […]

Snow and How to Measure the Success of Social Media Engagement

Track Social ROI

Here in Indianapolis, like most of the midwest, we woke up to 9 inches of snow on the ground.  There are a number of thoughts that go though your head when this happens but one is how to continue to do your job while out of the office.  Social media has become a great tool […]

Facebook Paid Messages: Marketing Advantage or Annoyance?

Facebook is testing a new feature called paid messaging. It will let users send a message directly to the inboxes of people outside of their network, starting with a cost of at least $1 per message. The price tag rises depending on the profile of the strangers you’re trying to reach. The higher the profile, […]

Integrating Email and Social Media Allow the Marketer to Reap Rich Dividends

While email is one of the most popular and effective channels for marketing communications, social media is one of the fastest growing channels for engaging prospects and customers. Integrating email and social media allows the marketer to reap rich dividends. Linking an email marketing campaign to an overall social media strategy can provide marketers with […]

Twitter Marketing: Shorter the Tweet, Better the Spread

The saying “brevity is the soul of wit” has relevance in marketing today. Research has found the average person’s attention span is about 9 seconds, and it’s no coincidence that is also the average length of a sound bite in the news media. In print, this translates to about 23 words. This means a micro-blogging […]