How Marketers Can Make a Smooth Transition to Customer Lifecycle Approach

Forrester Research estimates that almost half of all B2B marketers close fewer than 4 percent of marketing generated leads. The bulk of the sales now come from sources such as referrals, upsells and repeats, which are outside the conventional funnel. The focus of new-age marketers is therefore customer lifecycle marketing, or engaging the prospect throughout […]

Successful Lead Generation Practices

lead generation success

A survey on lead generation practices conducted by the BtoB magazine reveals that 74 percent of the marketers have a formal lead generation program in place, and of them, 48 percent have extensive programs in place. However, not all of them find success. The survey lists out several key factors that contribute to the success of the […]

The Challenges of Engaging with Multiple Decision Makers

All marketers work towards generating leads and most of them nurture leads as well. However, not all of them who do so are successful in such tasks. A big challenge faced by marketers when trying to nurture B2B leads is identifying the influencers. A marketer may do a good job in eliciting the interest of […]

The Many Challenges of Handling Marketing Data

The marketer has many analytic tools and strategies at disposal. However, regardless of what such tools promise to deliver, the effectiveness of the tool is only as good as the data it uses. Ensuring that the right data goes into the analytics engine is probably the most underestimated challenge of marketing. A big challenge in […]

Marketing Reporting May Either Aid or Hinder the Marketing Effort

Many marketers consider crunching numbers a drag, it takes away time from the “front” where they can engage with customers and generate more sales. However, metrics and reporting are unavoidable. Without these tools, the marketer cannot keep track of their work or measure the success of their strategies. Automated solutions provide an answer to this pressing […]

Marketers Look at Teleprospecting to Nurture Leads

Marketers who engage in prospecting, nurturing and conversion should take another look at teleprospecting. Optimizing one’s use of time is a priority for today’s marketers who are hard pressed to deliver results. One of the biggest time drainers is engaging with tons of generated leads. While the need to engage and nurture with leads to […]

Marketers Need to Focus on Customer Loyalty

The changing business landscape will force marketers to focus on promoting customer loyalty. The realization that it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than a new customer is slowly settling in. It costs ten times to convert a new customer than to retain an existing customer. Data over the years suggest that […]

Using Audience Segmentation for Better Engagements

Among the various marketing communication strategies in place, audience segmentation has proven very effective in delivering relevant communication or the right communication to the right people. Delivering communication that people really care about improves engagement and increase conversion rates. Audience segmentation is in essence harvesting the data on hand to profile the intended audience of […]

How Analytics Help Marketers

The sheer scale of operations has made analytics an integral part of marketing campaigns. However, many marketers have not yet realized this fact, probably a legacy of the old pre-Internet days when the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the marketer was the ability to create a catchy tagline or clever promos, and rely on gut […]

Integrate Data and Analytics for Marketing Efficiency

Marketers depend on analytics to make crucial decisions at all stages of the marketing lifecycle. Analytics become even more important in the age of marketing automation where the system triggers events by itself based on the defined parameters. Conducting analytics requires gathering data on leads and prospects. Many marketers gather data first and worry about […]