Tag Archives: customer satisfaction

Top 5 Metrics You Must Dominate

Top 5 Metrics

Magic Johnson. Babe Ruth. Serena Williams. Tiger Woods. Peyton Manning. Kobe Bryant. Walter Payton. Lisa Leslie. LeBron James. (Insert all-time great athlete here). What do these people have in common? If I were a betting man, I would say that they all share one commonality: that they have never uttered the phrase, “That’s good enough.” […]

Clams: How to tell the Full Customer Story

customer story

Yesterday I had a conversation with Right On Interactive’s CEO, Troy Burk, that many would consider a bit bizarre. We are currently in the process of planning a full day retreat for the marketing and sales teams to outline goals, strategies, and tactics as we move towards the new year. Troy and I were discussing […]

The Good, Bad and Ugly of your B2B Family

B2B family

Most of us share one common priority over the holiday season: time with family. This means different traditions, celebrations, and activities — depending on your background — but most of us will see grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, and parents in varying capacities. Some of you may have cringed at the thought of having to […]

Keeping Current Customers: Breeding Customer Loyalty

Molehill to Mountain: Marketing Automation Data

How many times have you written a review on Yelp, G2 Crowd, Amazon.com or Facebook? Customer feedback is an important method to measuring customer satisfaction. Many businesses gauge client success by the satisfaction levels of their customers. While a passing grade of four out of five stars may help an organization better prioritize upcoming projects […]

Creating Lifelong Customers

Creating Lifelong Customers

A newer version of your 7-month-old tablet or iPad is coming out in a week and you have to have it. You go to the store, find your new toy, and eventually the older version is collecting dust on a shelf. – Do not “shelve” your existing customers – Novelty is exciting but it is […]

Marketing and Customer Engagement

customer engagement

When I first started working in marketing technology, I engaged with clients via telephone, email, online and face-to-face meetings. That’s how they preferred to communicate with us, so that’s how we made ourselves available to them. Nowadays, customers have the ability to complain about your products and services via Twitter and Facebook. They want to spend less time on […]

Keeping Customers Happy

This blog post is the third in a series of four on how customer lifecycle marketing works for marketers and organizations seeking to increase revenue and grow loyal customer relationships. Last month, I shared with you a marketing love story to help explain the difference between the traditional marketing approach and customer lifecycle marketing. Then, I shared […]