Tag Archives: customer nurturing

Why Engagement is Half of the Revenue Equation

Customers + Engagement = Revenue The obvious focus of every organization is to remain in business and, beyond that, improve business. But, the former comes before the latter as a fact of nature. Another fact in the art of creating a sustainable business model is that the success of an organization does not rely most […]

How to Engage Better in a Multi-Touch Point World

The influx of smart phones and tablets means more and more consumers are accessing the Internet through these devices. Many marketers adapt to these situations by launching device specific apps that optimize the experience for the consumer. Side by side with these efforts, marketers also need to change their content delivery and engagement strategy to […]

Marketers: Focus on the Customer Lifecycle

Most marketers today are focused on generating new leads. It’s how they are evaluated and, in many cases, held accountable to the revenue goals of the organization. However, instead of concentrating on the top of the marketing funnel, marketers today should be focusing on the customer lifecycle and how engaged customers are with their brand. More […]

Forming Lasting Customer Relationships: Engagement is Timeless

  In the business world, forming lasting customer relationships is critical to success. Building a long-term relationship with a customer is far more profitable  than acquiring a new customer. Consider these stats: It costs 6-7 times as much to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. (Client Heartbeat) On average, loyal customers are […]

Marketers Look at Teleprospecting to Nurture Leads

Marketers who engage in prospecting, nurturing and conversion should take another look at teleprospecting. Optimizing one’s use of time is a priority for today’s marketers who are hard pressed to deliver results. One of the biggest time drainers is engaging with tons of generated leads. While the need to engage and nurture with leads to […]

Customer Award Programs: The Benefits and Pitfalls

A customer is the best critic your business can have. So, it’s critical to engage your customers in a consistent and respectable manner to get suggestions, feedback, testimonials, and, eventually, brand advocacy. The National Bank of Oman, for instance, launched an “NBO Customer Consultant Award”, which consisted of a cash prize and certificate to customers who […]