Tag Archives: Big data

How Big Data Helps Marketers Make Educated Decisions

All too often marketers rely on gut feelings or hunches to make a decision. From deciding on the best time to reach out to a new prospect, to product positioning, marketers rely heavily on instinct. But decisions based on gut feelings are, at best, educated guesses. Hunches lead to gambles that may or may not […]

How to Use Big Data: Add Potency to Your Marketing Efforts

Data is part of the foundation of Lifecycle Marketing. If you’re not keeping track of your customers habits you’re missing key insights that can really help boost your marketing efforts. When a customer makes a purchase, an in-house analytic engine usually logs it in a sales-vs-time plot. These analytics provide marketers with information like peak […]

The Challenges of Big Data in Marketing Engagement

Big data or large and complex data sets are an integral part of marketing. Marketers frequently use them when gathering and scoring leads. Big data provides more accurate results for the derivation of trends and analysis and provide the results in a more comprehensive manner than separate smaller sets of data. However, it also poses […]

The Right Data Can Power Your Marketing Lifecycle

Web analytics has come a long way with the emergence of marketing automation. But analytics is an exercise in futility unless the data makes sense and is put to good use. The challenge is to identify crucial information from all of the mass data available and apply it to increase engagement and move the customers […]