Category Archives: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

3 Tips to Making Time for Marketing Automation

Let’s face it. It’s 2013, and we’ve made resolutions as individual and as businesses for the New Year, just like we did last year and like we did the year before. Did we keep them? Maybe. But most of the time we’re so busy keeping up with our daily work that we don’t “have time” […]

Traits of a Good Lifecycle Marketing Platform

The marketer’s world is becoming increasingly complex. We need to engage across multiple channels while ensuring consistency across channels, continually update our tactics and plans and execute campaigns fast to counter increasingly fickle customer loyalties and shorter attention spans. Right On Interactive has found that more and more marketers now rely on marketing lifecycle software to […]

The Changing World of Marketing Engagement

In a world where change is the only constant, all roles undergo a constant churn, and the marketers’ role is no different. In the past, the main job of the marketer was to disseminate information regarding the product. Then, the marketers’ role transformed to teach customers how to buy. While these two roles remain relevant, […]

Features of a Good Automated Email Marketing Platform

Conventional marketing wisdom places great value to “batch and blast” emails, wherein the marketer sends a generic email, usually unsolicited, to each prospect or customer in the list. Customers are now more informed and demand individual attention which has forced marketers to re-think this strategy. Marketers continue to use email as the basic tool to […]

The Art of Targeting

There is one key point of focus that we continually re-enforce with our clients as they interact with their prospects and customers.  The first is the importance of segmenting your audience based upon where people are in their relationship with your brand. The supporting sales and marketing programs around these communications are designed to move the […]

Benefits of Automated Marketing Solutions

Many marketers consider crunching numbers a drag. It takes away time from the “front” where they can engage with customers and generate more sales. However, metrics and reporting are unavoidable. Without these mission-critical pieces of information, the marketer cannot keep track of their work or measure the success of their strategies. Marketing Automation solutions provide […]

What’s Your Favorite Brand?

Happy December.  I always love this time of year.  My family recently made the annual trek to the countryside near Indianapolis for our Christmas tree & wreaths at Dull’s Tree Farm. The holiday season brings so may familiar traditions from time with family & friends, time at church, holiday events and that crazy time of trying to […]

The New Marketing Paradigm

Change is the only constant in today’s world. New paradigms constantly replace old ones and what worked well in the past is either obsolete or on its way to obsolesce. Marketers need to understand this fact and change their strategies and practices accordingly. While almost all marketers have leveraged the advantages offered by technology, such […]

How Marketers Can Make a Smooth Transition to Customer Lifecycle Approach

Forrester Research estimates that almost half of all B2B marketers close fewer than 4 percent of marketing generated leads. The bulk of the sales now come from sources such as referrals, upsells and repeats, which are outside the conventional funnel. The focus of new-age marketers is therefore customer lifecycle marketing, or engaging the prospect throughout […]

Successful Lead Generation Practices

lead generation success

A survey on lead generation practices conducted by the BtoB magazine reveals that 74 percent of the marketers have a formal lead generation program in place, and of them, 48 percent have extensive programs in place. However, not all of them find success. The survey lists out several key factors that contribute to the success of the […]