Category Archives: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Are Quality Interventions in Customer Engagement Beneficial?

Is the drive to apply quality management tools always a good thing? Not always, as many organizations have found out the hard way. Most of the popular quality matrices, such as Six Sigma, focus on standardization and averages. While this makes sense in a factory or plant layout when dealing with inanimate materials, application of […]

The Challenges of Customer Feedback Management

The importance of gathering customer feedback can never be understated. That being said, collecting feedback is only the beginning. The important thing is the execution or following up on the insights provided by the feedback. In the Gleansight benchmark Report on Customer Feedback Management conducted in November 2011, 84 percent of the top performers said […]

Lifecycle Marketing: The Email Basics

Technology has opened up new channels of communication, but email still retains its dominance in the marketplace. Forrester Research estimates that 89 percent of marketers rely on emails as the primary channel for lead generation. Communication through email dominates other stages of lifecycle marketing as well. However, the delivery rate is a pressing problem. Marketers […]

Successful Engagement Strategies in a Customer Centric World

Successful Engagement Strategies in a Customer Centric World

Today’s customers meet marketers on their own terms, and expect to receive a high level of professionalism and real-time commitment. The modern marketer needs to succeed under these new engagement paradigms, where the customer is in control and very often makes new demands at the point of engagement. Success often depends on personalization, relevance, and […]

Email’s Role in Marketing Automation

Email has been rated as the most successful digital marketing and engagement tool by 67% of marketers worldwide, shown by the May 2012 data from the Chief Marketing Officer Council. This finding is also supported by the June statistics from Direct Marketing Association (DMA), which reveal higher open rates and clickthrough rates for emails sent […]

A Look Into Lead Nurturing

In the mad scramble to generate leads, companies may actually be bleeding money rather than gaining it. This is where analytics come in. The analytics engine in marketing automation software suites, fed with past results or experiences, scours the database of incoming leads and assigns points for each predetermined attribute to determine the potential value of […]

Interactive Videos – The Next Big Thing in Customer Engagement

With organizations leaving no stone unturned in their quest to engage with their customers, one intuitive method that has caught on in recent times is interactive videos, especially for shopping. Done properly, it is the online equivalent of a salesperson guiding the customer through the store, explaining the features of each product that attracts the […]

3 Ways to Engage Your Current Customers

Conventional wisdom says that acquiring new customers is six to seven times more expensive than retaining existing customers. Businesses would have to invest considerable time, money and other resources to bring in a new customer, and therefore it is in a company’s long-term interest to keep an existing customer happy! The best way to engage […]

The Key Challenges of Nurture Marketing

Understanding the basics of lead scoring and lead nurturing will take your success as a marketer to the next level. When scoring leads, some prospects could invariably score high based on the need for the product or service that is offered – but, at the same time, they could rank low on the chance of […]

What Customers Want

Gaining customer loyalty is of utmost importance in a highly competitive business world. This is a world in which customers have a plethora of choices, and each player tries to outbid the other through discounts, offers, features, and even having that “fun” factor. But, building a loyal customer base requires a two-step process of 1) ensuring […]