TweetChat: Exploring lifecycle marketing


Lifecycle marketing has replaced the traditional approach to marketing tactics once focused solely on lead generation. It’s about engaged relationships. The Right On Interactive lifecycle marketing methodology focuses on the individual person (or company, depending on your business model) and their journey with your brand. By understanding where a person is in their “lifecycle” dictates how the contact or company is communicated to, by whom and how frequently.

These are all important factors in driving engagement, which is the most valuable metric you can measure.

In a recent Forrester blog post, Cory Munchbach shares research published in October that indicates “the vast majority of marketers recognize that the customer life cycle (CLC) is their partner of the future.” However, many CMOs have yet to move away from the outdated funnel approach. What’s holding your organization back from embracing lifecycle marketing?

Join us Wednesday, January 8th at 2:00pm EST for a TweetChat focused on exploring lifecycle marketing (#ROImktg). Ask questions, share your experiences and learn more about the value of engaged relationships. Who knows, you may find the marketing approach that will work best for your organization in 2014. Details are below!

TweetChat: Exploring lifecycle marketing

Date: Wednesday, Jan. 8
Time: 2:00pm EST
Where: #ROImktg

I look forward to tweeting with you soon!

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