sales empowerment through marketing technology

Webinar: Sales Empowerment Through Marketing Technology

Presented by Brooke Crosley of Crosley, Inc. & Lori Grass of Right On Interactive

It wasn’t too long ago that sales “technology” described an Excel spreadsheet, a Blackberry or Palm device, a fax machine, and (maybe… just maybe) a account. Meanwhile, sales and marketing alignment didn’t exist and the majority of new business was closed thanks to face-to-face meetings.

Today, nearly two-thirds of the population in the United States now owns a smartphone, and a growing percentage of customer engagement happens digitally: According to Gartner Research, by 2020, 85% of customer relationships will be managed without customers and companies ever meeting in-person.

Hear from Brooke Crosley, president of Crosley, Inc., and Lori Grass, vice president sales and alliances of Right On Interactive, as they discuss how organizations can empower their sales teams through the use of marketing technology and, ultimately, drive revenue.

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