Construction Marketing that Builds Revenue

construction marketing

Welcome back to the final chapter of this blog regarding today’s construction industry landscape. So far we have covered the problem with “batch and blast” emails, capitalizing on your website, and the bid process being a poor example of “sales and marketing.”

Relationships and Pricing

Have you ever been told that you lost a bid due to price? The translation for, “Your bid was just a little too expensive” is “Someone else offers more value,” whether that be monetary or relationally. Similar to the points made above regarding the bid process, Right On Interactive is in the business of cultivating the right relationships in order to make the selling process easier! Managing and cultivating the right relationships has an incalculable value when it comes down to decision time for a prospect on who to trust with their project and money. You may start winning deals despite not being the lowest priced bid due to the relationship and trust built between your company and the prospect.

You have new leads, now what?

Think back to second blog post in this series… Do you remember how many “touch points” were necessary to close the average sale? Eight! The timing and spacing of this messaging is crucial. If you call a lead eight times in a single day just after receiving their contact information, you probably won’t be closing too many deals. Leads must be nurtured through relevant content via a combination of face-to-face, phone, social media, and email interactions. The Right On Customer Lifecycle Marketing software will fortify your efforts by providing these personalized communications at the appropriate time to the appropriate audience. Campaigns to nurture leads, build your brand, and build your relationship with your prospects will result in further brand recognition and a larger number in the bottom line.

Are you ready to take the next step to revolutionize and redefine your sales and marketing efforts? Right On Interactive has taken steps to create a turn-key package for construction companies that is easy to use, cost-effective, and includes the following important features:

  • Website Analytics Tracking Package
  • Email Builder Tool
  • Data Segmentation
  • Email Send Reporting
  • Client Success Team committed to making you a successful user of the software to further your business

Interested in learning more? Right On Interactive would love to hear from you.

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