Tag Archives: Marketing

31 Scary Marketing Statistics

scary marketing statistics

It’s October 31st and you know what that means… it’s All Hallows’ Eve or as we most commonly refer to it, Halloween. This personal favorite holiday of mine has evolved over time into the community-based event characterized by trick-or-treating that we’ve all come to know and love. However, it is believed to have originated with the ancient […]

The difference between Marketing Automation and Lifecycle Marketing

I started this internship completely unaware of the difference between marketing automation and lifecycle marketing. Coming from a farm background, I really only have a rudimentary knowledge of marketing from classes I have taken in college and a summer internship in Indianapolis. A month in and wealth of information later, I am starting to understand […]

Marketing Automation: Combining Nurture with Education

Lead Nurturing

What’s your definition of Marketing Automation? Marketing on steroids? That’s pretty much a common phrase to hear! In a nutshell, the sole purpose of any automated marketing program is to attract those that WANT to be attracted. At the end of the day, what do we want to do as a business? Nurture prospects, turn […]

Smarter Lead Scoring

smarter lead scoring

In a recent SiriusDecisions blog post, Laura Cross revealed some startling information regarding the usual set up of lead scoring for most companies getting started with marketing automation. Well, I guess I found it’s startling because it’s not how Right On Interactive sets up our 3D Scoring methodology. To start, she explains how most companies […]

Why Visuals Make Your Content Marketing More Effective

We no longer experience the digestion of Internet content the way it was once delivered – back when the Internet solely gave us white backgrounds with paragraphs of Times New Roman text pasted on top. If you aren’t integrating graphics into your social media posts, blogs, or website content, it’s time to fix the flux […]

A Lifecycle Approach to Lead to Revenue Management

Many early adopters of marketing automation were able to drive great results at first, but have since “hit a wall.” Most of the initial gains from utilizing a marketing automation solution came from rooting out inefficiency and waste, and standardizing and scaling a previously manual or cumbersome process. The reality is, however, you can only pick […]

Marketing and Customer Engagement

customer engagement

When I first started working in marketing technology, I engaged with clients via telephone, email, online and face-to-face meetings. That’s how they preferred to communicate with us, so that’s how we made ourselves available to them. Nowadays, customers have the ability to complain about your products and services via Twitter and Facebook. They want to spend less time on […]

Sales and Marketing Alignment, for real

social media and marketing strategy alignment

OK, I’ll admit it. I’ve worked in marketing for nearly 10 years and I’ve never experienced real sales and marketing alignment until now. Sure, I’ve worked with sales leadership, communicated clearly [and often] and even attended sales meetings and training; but, really… we were never working together. I remember conversations with sales leadership saying they […]

Introducing Progressive Profiling

In this newest sprint cycle, Right on Interactive is proud to introduce Progressive Profiling to its users. Progressive Profiling allows clients to efficiently gather more valuable data about their potential customers while simultaneously boosting form conversion rates. Form conversion rates relate to the frequency at which users open forms compared to the frequency at which […]

Forming Lasting Customer Relationships: Engagement is Timeless

  In the business world, forming lasting customer relationships is critical to success. Building a long-term relationship with a customer is far more profitable  than acquiring a new customer. Consider these stats: It costs 6-7 times as much to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. (Client Heartbeat) On average, loyal customers are […]